Activa Contracts

24 February 2014

Are Your End of Contract Recharges Out of Control?

Activa take a very different approach to the treatment of a vehicle at the end of its contract, and we pride ourselves on our forward-thinking and practical approach.

Our primary aim with all clients is the achievement of a zero recharge situation, through the development and implementation of a best practice fleet policy, containing the correct procedures and disciplines.

We believe that high end of contract dilapidation costs, which are becoming all too common place, are totally avoidable and should not be tolerated. 

Activa can demonstrate that clients who have embraced our proposals have saved large sums of money, despite previously thinking that end of contract was an unavoidable expense.
End of contract charges can, for some leasing providers, be viewed as a profit centre. We take the view that this area is one where substantial savings can be made through accountability and driver education. A comprehensive driver handbook can be a great vehicle for this, which we would work with you to construct.

The Activa Remarketing Team closely analyses the type of damage that appears on returned vehicles for any given customer. This enables us to monitor any patterns or trends in order to identify any areas of concern and help to reduce these costs in the future.

If you would like to know more about Activa’s end of contract procedure, or for any other information regarding our recharge policy, please call us on 0845 601 3497.