Activa Contracts

21 May 2014

Do your drivers comply with legislation?

A van driver in Lincolnshire has recently been fined for throwing a cigarette out of their window.Under section 87 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, the local council issued the driver with a £75 fixed penalty notice for littering.The environmental protection officer who dealt with the case advised that: “This should act as a warning to anyone who thinks it is acceptable to litter by throwing cigarette ends out of their vehicle windows”.

“Anyone smoking in a company vehicle or on any premises designated as a no smoking area is liable to receive a fine of up to £200 at a Magistrates Court. A company that fails to prevent its workforce from smoking in no smoking areas is also liable for a fine of up to £2,500 under the Health Act 2006.”

Activa has assisted many clients in corporate road risk management and we have a wealth of knowledge which could help your business to prevent incidents like these.

We have a number of processes and products to help our customers comply with the necessary legislation and keep their drivers safe.

We have a series of online and physical assessment programs to help identify any training requirements and will work closely with your Health & Safety officers to ensure training is targeted where necessary.

Our Risk Management suite provides various solutions for reducing accidents and risk, but our fleet consultancy service would seek to complement this by ensuring that your car policy and practices provide a solid framework of control.

For more information on Activa’s Risk Management offering, please do not hesitate to call a member of the Activa team on 0845 604 3497