Activa Contracts

28 May 2021

Manufacturers want petrol and diesel ban pushed back 5 years to 2035

In recent conversations with the Government, car manufacturers have told transport secretary Grant Shapps that pushing the ban back 5 years to 2035 is a more realistic target.

In recent conversations with the Government, car manufacturers have told transport secretary Grant Shapps that pushing the ban back 5 years to 2035 is a more realistic target.

The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) held a meeting with key stakeholders from manufacturers to discuss their concerns on meeting the zero emissions targets. Following the meetings Shapps explained that the manufacturers wish to push the date back as meeting the 2030 target would prove difficult under current market conditions.

This sentiment is shared across the industry, other surveys have been conducted with fleets agreeing that 2030 is too soon and almost a quarter of respondents backed the original date of 2040 proposed by the Government.

Moving forward manufacturers have asked Shapps and the Government to provide a stable policy framework that will help stimulate EV demand. Key areas like charging infrastructure and the development of viable batteries were also discussed.

Once the reassurances and frameworks have been provided, manufacturers will feel more confident about hitting the targets as the consumer market also builds trust in EVs as a viable alternative to their current vehicles.