7 February 2024
Drivers caught using mobile phones and caught speeding continue to increase across the UK
New statistics from the Home Office reveal a surge in speeding fines, reaching a record-breaking number, along with a significant rise in the number of people caught using mobile phones while driving. In 2022, over 2.5 million drivers were subjected to fixed penalties, driver awareness courses, or court proceedings.

Simultaneously, the implementation of stricter laws on mobile phone use behind the wheel in March 2022 resulted in a 93% year-on-year increase in violations.
The Home Office data also underscores the impact of changes to the Highway Code in January 2022, introducing a road user hierarchy and enhanced protections for pedestrians. Offenses related to neglecting pedestrian rights and traffic signs saw a 33% increase compared to 2021. Recent research from the RAC additionally indicated that 31% of drivers believe pedestrians now face greater danger at junctions following the Highway Code amendments meant to enhance safety.
We encourage all fleet managers to enforce hands free devices in vehicles and business wide warning to drivers as a distracted driver is four times more likely to be involved in an incident then a driver fully focused on the road ahead of them.