13 March 2024
Emissions reporting requirements becoming a bigger part of fleet operation
The Association of Fleet Professionals (AFP) highlights the potential impact of emissions reporting requirements on fleet operations, particularly concerning recent developments in environmental regulations.

Certain UK enterprises now face compliance with the Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol emissions standards within the EU, newly implemented last month. These regulations mandate reporting across the entire value chain, encompassing business travel for the first time.
Additionally, the UK Government is deliberating the adoption of similar mandatory standards domestically, and are beginning public consultations on this topic.
Moreover, the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme phase three in the UK, applicable to large businesses and their corporate groups, will broaden reporting obligations regarding energy consumption. This extension, from 90% to 95% of each business's carbon output, could significantly impact fleets, intensifying their reporting burdens.
While carbon reporting historically has impacted larger, often multinational fleets, indications suggest its expanding influence across businesses of various sizes. This expansion stems not only from potential statutory obligations but also from heightened demands from larger clients for supply chain compliance.
We have seen significant progress in decarbonisation, particularly through electrification. Activa supports its customers with an end-to-end service, which is further bolstered by the Activa knowledge base giving fleet managers tools like the ‘carbon calculator’ to ensure all requirements are met.